

One boy’s treacherous solo journey from Cameroon to France

From the streets of Cameroon to life in a tent in Paris: Yannick’s dangerous journey, between violence and resilience. Yannick tells us about his story, between his fears and doubts, but also his hopes on the road to recognition of his minority.

After a childhood of frequent homelessness in Cameroon, Yannick was kidnapped by people traffickers in 2019 and sold as a slave in Libya. He escaped and undertook a traumatic journey to Europe, where he found refuge in France and now receives support from Doctors Without Borders (MSF). His journey led him to Europe, where he found refuge in France. He was able to benefit from the care of Médecins Sans Frontières through the Passerelle program for unaccompanied minors.  Recognized as a minor in March 2020, he tells us his story and, through him, the one of unaccompanied migrants minors in France

A project in collaboration with Médecins Sans Frontières.

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